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If you have any questions regarding booking process on our website or questions about your confirmed reservations, please find the answers on this link "Frequently asked questions" on Customer Support page

If you cannot find the answers on this page, please contact our agents in Customer Service:

Phone: 01 6389 479


Customer Sevice working hours:

Monday - Friday: 8.30 - 21.00 h

Saturday and Sunday: 09.00 - 21.00 h

Airline tickets with special requests

For reservations of airline tickets with special requests such as:

  • unaccompanied minors
  • passengers with limited mobility who need wheelchairs and assistance
  • passengers using their own wheelchairs
  • passengers in need of medical or other assistance
  • traveling with pets
  • sports equipment transport
you need to send a request before the booking and issuing flight tickets because confirmation of those requests depends on the specific rules and capabilities of the carrier.

Please send your special requests to our e-mail

Changes and cancellations

You can change and/or cancel your reservation only on working days from 8.30 - 17.00 h, at the latest 24 hours before departure and in accordance with the flight rules under which the ticket is purchased. For changes and cancellations of flights within 24 hours before departure and on weekends and holidays, please contact your carrier at the airport of departure.

The request to change or cancel flights booked online should be sent through the designated form, which is located in your profile under "My Reservation".

Need help?

Call us!

01/333 8888

Importnat notice

- Check if you need

- Check if you need a