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All Low cost carriers require you to check in online and bring a print of your boarding pass with you. Most low cost carriers charge checking for the flight on the airport.Therefore, we recommend that you take advantage of the online check in and avoid additional costs. Do not forget to print out your boarding pass and take it with you.

Online check in for the flight is an easy way to save time at the airport. Check in for your flight online and print your boarding pass 24 - 2 hours before departure. Check-in time for the flight depends on the carrier rules and may vary from company to company.

For online check in you must enter your Reservation Number (PNR, Airline Confirmation Number, Booking Reference Number or Confirmation Code). It is a six-digit code provided on your booking confirmation and electronic ticket.

When checking in online for the flight, airline may require and the number of electronic ticket (e-ticket number) that is located under the names of passengers on your electronic ticket.

Please read carefully airline terms and conditions while checking in online for the flight. because these conditions vary from carrier to carrier. Some companies do not provide online check in for all destinations or may not allow the online check in for babies.

Below is a list of airlines with links to their website for online check in.

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